Category: Wichita city government

  • Wichita Municipal Judges Need to be Elected

    Here’s a letter from citizen activist John Todd to Wichita City Council candidate Ken Thomas. The election of Wichita municipal court judges is important for reasons John makes clear in his testimony to the Kansas Legislature from 2004, which follows. I am pleased that you are making the election of Municipal Court Judges by the…

  • Wichita Center City South TIF Changes Slip Through

    At the December 16, 2008 meeting of the Wichita City Council, a major revision to the development plan of a downtown Wichita TIF district was made. This TIF district is a project of Real Development, whose principals Michael Elzufon and David Lundberg are commonly known as the “Minnesota Guys.” The changes to this plan were…

  • At Wichita City Council, why are some doors open, and others closed?

    Steve Compton, owner of the Eaton Steakhouse in downtown Wichita, spoke to the Wichita city council on the public agenda at its February 3, 2009 meeting. Mr. Compton said he chose a bad time to start a business a year and a half ago. His business is just as important as others, he said, and…

  • Ask What Questions About Downtown Wichita YMCA Deal?

    Remarks to be delivered to the February 3, 2009 meeting of the Wichita city council. When considering the sale of city-owned land, the city has an obligation to get the best deal possible for the actual owners of the land, which are the citizens of Wichita. But it seems, according to the agenda report, that…

  • From Kevass Harding to Lavonta Williams

    One of the unusual sightings on the campaign finance report filed last month by Lavonta Williams, current Wichita city council member and candidate for re-election, is two contributions totaling $1,000 from Kevass Harding and his wife. These contributions represent the maximum it was possible for two people to give at the time.

  • Lavonta Williams campaign contributions raise a few questions

    Analysis of the campaign finance report recently filed by Lavonta Williams, current Wichita city council member and candidate for re-election, revealed a few interesting insights about her campaign.

  • Term Limits in Wichita

    In Wichita, city council members and the mayor are limited to serving two four-year terms. Last February the Wichita Eagle reported that some council members were considering a measure to end term limits. The main reason for wanting to do away with term limits is the perception that time and experience are required in order…

  • Wichita City and School District Campaign Events and Announcements

    I’ve started a page of announcements and events for local campaigns. The link is Wichita City and School District Campaign Events and Announcements. Send notice of events and announcements to me at

  • Walking Door-to-Door with Marcey — ummm — Lavonta?

    Wichita city council member Lavonta Williams just launched the website that supports her campaign for re-election. It’s a nice website, but it has a little mistake that gives us a clue as to who might be running Williams’ campaign. Her “Get involved” page lists this as one of the ways you can help Williams: “Walking…