Tag: Economic freedom
Year in Review: 2016
Here are highlights from Voice for Liberty for 2016. Was it a good year for the principles of individual liberty, limited government, economic freedom, and free markets in Wichita and Kansas?
Tim Norton: Saving farms from people and their preferences
Sedgwick County Commissioner Tim Norton’s record is different from what he has actually done.
A look at a David Dennis campaign finance report
It’s interesting to look at campaign finance reports. Following, a few highlights on a report from David Dennis, a candidate for Sedgwick County Commission.
Kansas Center for Economic Growth
Kansas Center for Economic Growth, often cited as an authority by Kansas news media and politicians, is not the independent and unbiased source it claims to be.
Rich States, Poor States, 2106 edition
In Rich States, Poor States, Kansas continues with middle-of-the-pack performance, and fell sharply in the forward-looking forecast.
Wichita on verge of new regulatory regime
The Wichita City Council is likely to create a new regulatory regime for massage businesses in response to a problem that is already addressed by strict laws.
Wichita to impose burdensome occupational requirements
The proposed massage therapist regulations in Wichita are likely to be ineffective, but will limit economic opportunity and harm consumers.
WichitaLiberty.TV: Heritage Foundation’s Bryan Riley on free trade
Foreign trade is an important issue in this year’s presidential campaign. Heritage Foundation economist and Senior Policy Analyst Bryan Riley explains concepts that voters can use in making an informed decision.
Massage business regulations likely to be ineffective, but will be onerous
The Wichita City Council is likely to create a new regulatory regime for massage businesses in response to a problem that is already addressed by strict laws.