Tag: Government health care
Medicaid expansion survey in Kansas
Should Kansans accept the results of a public opinion poll when little is known about it?
WichitaLiberty.TV: Health care in Kansas and taxes in Sedgwick County
In this episode of WichitaLiberty.TV: Bob Weeks and Karl Peterjohn discuss health care in Kansas and taxes in Sedgwick County.
Kansas House voting on Medicaid expansion
How members of the Kansas House of Representatives voted on the three votes concerning Medicaid expansion in Kansas.
Kansas House voting on Medicaid expansion
Kansas House voting on Medicaid expansion
Kansas Senate voting on Medicaid expansion
Kansas Senate voting on Medicaid expansion
Expanding Medicaid in Kansas
Expanding Medicaid in Kansas would be costly, undoubtedly more costly than estimated, has an uncertain future, and doesn’t provide very good results for those it covers.
Sedgwick County Health Department: Services provided
Sedgwick County government trimmed spending on health. What has been the result so far?
Inspector General evaluates Obamacare website
The HHS Inspector General has released an evaluation of the Obamacare website HealthCare.gov, shedding light on the performance of former Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius.
Cost of restoring quality of life spending cuts in Sedgwick County: 43 deaths
An analysis of public health spending in Sedgwick County illuminates the consequences of public spending decisions. In particular, those calling for more spending on zoos and arts must consider the lives that could be saved by diverting this spending to public health, according to analysis from Kansas Health Institute.