Tag: Kansas National Education Association

  • Kansas NEA questions legislative candidates, reveals agenda

    In Kansas, as across the nation, the teachers union is an important political force. Using a powerful message that no one can oppose — the welfare of schoolchildren — teachers unions press their real agenda.

  • Kansas school spending lobby pot calls kettle black

    After the 2009 Kansas Legislature ended its session in May (notwithstanding the formal closing in June), the Kansas National Education Association (KNEA, the teachers union) produced a document wrapping up the session and setting the stage for the future. Kansans need to be aware of the agenda of this organization and its allied school spending…

  • School choice is a civil rights issue

    Al Sharpton called school reform the civil rights challenge of our time. He said that the enemy of opportunity for blacks in the U.S. was once Jim Crow; today, in a slap at the educational establishment, he said it was “Professor James Crow.” Sharpton is only partly correct. School reform is not solely a racial…

  • Kansas school spending lawsuit possible

    According to press reports, Schools for Fair Funding — the Montoy school lawsuit finance districts — is examining the possibility of re-opening the school finance lawsuit because of the cuts to education that were made by the 2009 legislature.

  • Watkins addresses Kansas budget, Republicans, schools

    Speaking at at the regular weekly meeting of the Wichita Pachyderm Club on May 22, 2009, Kansas House of Representatives member Jason Watkins addressed the Kansas budget, Kansas Republicans, and school spending. Regarding the budget during the past legislative session, which ended in May: Watkins felt there was an opportunity for reform that the legislature…

  • Kansas, once home to education equality, now lags in freedom

    At one time Kansas played a leading role in education equality, as Topeka was home to the school that produced the historic Brown v. Board of Education decision by the United States Supreme Court. Today, however, Kansas lags in educational freedom and choice. The public school lobby in Kansas does everything it can to stomp…

  • Kansas City charter school succeeds in urban environment

    USD 259, the Wichita public school district, doesn’t want them. The Kansas National Education Association (KNEA) — the teachers union — doesn’t want them either. But where they’re able to exist, charter schools usually do a good job. They often excel. And where they don’t do a good job, they usually go out of business.

  • KNEA call for action overstates case, misleads Kansans

    Today’s edition of Under the Dome Today contains a call for action. This newsletter is the update of legislative action provided by KNEA, the Kansas National Education Association. For those of you who might think that an organization with such a lofty name is dedicated to the betterment of the education of Kansas schoolchildren, I…

  • KNEA: No shared sacrifice

    Despite the fact that Kansas school spending has been increasing rapidly in recent years, and despite the fact that K-12 education has been spared the large cuts that most other state agencies are facing, it’s still okay to whine. That’s the attitude of KNEA (the Kansas National Education Association, the teachers union).