Tag: Obamacare
Kansas House voting on Medicaid expansion
How members of the Kansas House of Representatives voted on the three votes concerning Medicaid expansion in Kansas.
Kansas House voting on Medicaid expansion
Kansas House voting on Medicaid expansion
Kansas Senate voting on Medicaid expansion
Kansas Senate voting on Medicaid expansion
Expanding Medicaid in Kansas
Expanding Medicaid in Kansas would be costly, undoubtedly more costly than estimated, has an uncertain future, and doesn’t provide very good results for those it covers.
Year in Review: 2016
Here are highlights from Voice for Liberty for 2016. Was it a good year for the principles of individual liberty, limited government, economic freedom, and free markets in Wichita and Kansas?
Inspector General evaluates Obamacare website
The HHS Inspector General has released an evaluation of the Obamacare website HealthCare.gov, shedding light on the performance of former Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius.
Medicaid found to increase, not decrease, emergency room usage
Those who continue to call for the expansion of Medicaid in Kansas should be aware of this astonishing finding, which contrary to what the conventional wisdom has told us about health care.
American Hospital Association supports Kansas Sen. Roberts
A prominent special interest group is spending on advertising for Senator Pat Roberts of Kansas.
Did Rep. Mike Pompeo vote to fund Obamacare?
A television ad by Todd Tiahrt claims that Mike Pompeo voted seven times to fund Obamacare. What are the facts about those bills?