Tag: School choice
WichitaLiberty.TV: Kansas politics, school choice, and asset forfeiture
Co-host Karl Peterjohn joins Bob Weeks to discuss a few big developments in Kansas politics, school choice, and civil asset forfeiture.
Accountability in Kansas public schools
Critics of school choice say there is no accountability outside the traditional public schools. Here are the standards Kansas used to hold its schools accountable.
School choice in Kansas: Some have it. Many do not.
Kansas non-profit executives work to deny low-income families the school choice opportunities that executive salaries can afford.
Year in Review: 2016
Here are highlights from Voice for Liberty for 2016. Was it a good year for the principles of individual liberty, limited government, economic freedom, and free markets in Wichita and Kansas?
Decoding the Kansas teachers union
Decoding and deconstructing communications from KNEA, the Kansas teachers union, lets us discover the true purpose of the union.
Decoding the Kansas teachers union
Explaining to Kansans what the teachers union really means in its public communications.
Trump and school choice
Could a President Trump bring more school choice to Kansas?
WichitaLiberty.TV: Wichita and Kansas economics, and government investment
Wichita sells a hotel, more subsidy for downtown, Kansas newspaper editorialists fall for a lobbyist’s tale, how Kansas can learn from Arizona schools, and government investment.
Kansas and Arizona schools
Arizona shows that Kansas is missing out on an opportunity to provide better education at lower cost.