Americans for Prosperity summit starts today


Today in Washington, Americans for Prosperity Foundation starts its fourth annual Defending the American Dream summit. The event is expected to be attended by 2,300 citizen grassroots activists from around the country.

AFP has recently been criticized by President Barack Obama, which many interpret as evidence of AFP’s growing influence and effectiveness.

AFP Foundation president Tim Phillips said “never before have grassroots Americans been so interested in the challenges facing our nation. We have a sharp lineup of speakers on the most pressing issues — energy, spending,net neutrality, to name a few — and we’re excited to give people information they can share with friends and neighbors as they examine these important policies being discussed in Congress right now.”

Speakers at this year’s event include Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist George Will, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, author and Fox New contributor Dick Morris, Herman Cain, and AFP President Tim Phillips. Breakout sessions throughout the day will provide a variety of learning opportunities for citizens.


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