Today marks the release of the 2012 edition of the Kansas Economic Freedom Index. The Index examines votes made by members of the Kansas Legislature based on the impact the proposed legislation has on free markets and the constitutional principles of individual liberty and limited government. Based on their votes, legislators earn scores that illuminate their support of — or opposition to — these principles of economic freedom.
The Kansas Economic Freedom Index is produced by Americans for Prosperity–Kansas, Kansas Policy Institute, and Voice for Liberty in Wichita. It is intended to provide educational information to the public about broad economic issues that are important to the citizens of our State. The Index is the product of nonpartisan analysis, study, and research and is not intended to directly or indirectly endorse or oppose any candidate for public office. Each partner organization operates independently and has its own distinct voice in advocating for free markets and supporting the constitutional principles of individual liberty and limited government.
The Kansas Economic Freedom Index is hosted at two sites: and Kansas Policy Institute.
The value of a voting index is that it shines light on what lawmakers actually do, not what they say they do. Many of the votes included in the Kansas Economic Freedom index did not generate newspaper or television coverage, but collectively these votes let us know who are the champions of economic freedom and who are its enemies.
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