Almost two weeks ago I spotted an error in a New York Times op-ed piece. In my post, I wrote: “Perhaps it’s a small matter. But maybe not, as a New York Times op-ed chose to mention it in the limited space these things have.”
The error was the article’s claim that Charles and David Koch have contributed to FreedomWorks, a group that advocates for limited government.
As reported on its corrections page for April 13: “An Op-Ed article on April 4, about disclosure rules for nonprofit groups that engage in political advocacy, imprecisely described contributions by the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch to such groups. While they contributed to a predecessor of the conservative group FreedomWorks, they say they have not contributed to FreedomWorks itself.”
I suppose this qualifies as a correction. The Times can’t quite bring itself to use the word incorrectly, using the vague and less harsh term imprecisely instead.
Powerline has more on this matter here, and on an earlier error by the Times here.
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