American Majority Candidate Training in Kansas


Recently I attended a campaign training event produced by American Majority. This event was targeted to candidates and their supporters for city council and school board offices.

Dennis Wilson is the Kansas Board Chairman of American Majority. He just completed service as a member of the Kansas Senate. Addressing the audience, he said that individual freedom — through limited government and the free market — is what is important. Government protects and secures our natural rights. Quoting Frederic Bastiat, he said “Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.”

Wilson promoted the benefit of having private industry do things rather than the government. Free markets are a great concern today, he said. We may now actually be closer to a socialist country than we’ve ever been, when the government is involved with fifty percent of our economy. He quoted Margaret Thatcher: “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” We cannot continue on this path of increasing spending without accountability at the local level.

American Majority, he said, believes in individual freedom and market freedom, and will take this message to candidates, activists, and campuses.

American Majority will have an activist training session in Wichita on Saturday February 28. Online registration will be available soon.