Kansas must change its judicial selection method


From our friends at Kansas Liberty:

The Kansas Supreme Court is a private club filled with people you’ve never heard of until they pass some tax you have to pay or invent some law you don’t want. There is a way to fix this, but you won’t like it, says Denis Boyles.

Read the full story at Kansas Liberty.

Professor Stephen J. Ware of the Kansas University School of Law writes this in a Lawrence Journal-World editorial:

What makes the Kansas Supreme Court selection process unusual is not that it’s political, but that it gives so much political power to the bar (the state’s lawyers). Kansas is the only state that gives its bar majority control over the commission that nominates Supreme Court justices. It’s no surprise that members of the Kansas bar are happy with the current system because it gives them more power than the bar has in any of the other 49 states and allows them to exercise that power in secret, without any accountability to the public.

His research paper may be read by clicking on www.fed-soc.org/kansaspaper.