National coverage of Kansas primary election


Coverage of the August 2012 Kansas primary elections in national publications.

Wall Street Journal: Kansas Voter Uprising: GOP incumbents who resisted reform get early retirement, Kansas’s Conservative Rebellion, Conservative Republicans Make Gains in Kansas

National Review: Kansas’s Tea Party Triumphs

Associated Press: Conservatives win big in Kansas Senate primaries

National Public Radio: Conservatives Win In Kansas GOP Senate Primary

Huffington Post: Steve Morris, Kansas Senate President, Blames Moderates’ Defeat On Conservative Attack Ads

Slate: The Great Kansas Republican Purge of 2012, Defeated Kansas Senator: “Koch Industries is Just a Terrible, Terrible Citizen.” This article is notable for exposing the delusional thinking and reasoning of defeated Kansas Senator Tim Owens. Owens ranked at the bottom of all senators — Democrats included — in the Kansas Economic Freedom Index.


One response to “National coverage of Kansas primary election”

  1. sue c.

    Love the national media’s “blame Koch” meme. This is the Kansas version of the “blame Bush” narrative!

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