Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Wednesday April 20, 2011


Regulation as state moneymaker. Often those who propose new regulations will use, as justification for support, the revenue that government will gain from issuing licenses or permits. An example is from today’s Wichita Eagle Opinion Line: “Other parts of the country have leash laws for cats. They kill birds and leave deposits in your garden. A leash law for cats would help with income for the city.” … I would suggest that forcing people to pay in order to enjoy various rights and privileges is not a wise policy. In other words, let’s not use regulation as a revenue source. If the state thinks an activity, such as gambling, should be prohibited, the fact that the state might gain revenue from it shouldn’t change that judgment. Except, that’s the reasoning the state of Kansas used when it decided to allow casino gaming a few years ago.

Kansas populism to be topic at Pachyderm. This Friday’s meeting (April 22) of the Wichita Pachyderm Club features Friends University Associate Professor of Political Science Russell Arben Fox speaking on the topic “The History and Legacy of Kansas Populism.” Besides his work at Friends, Fox actively blogs at In Media Res. For more information click on Wichita Pachyderm Club. … Upcoming speakers include Wichita State University Political Scientist Ken Ciboski on April 29.

KPERS to be topic of breakfast meeting. On Wednesday (April 27) Kansas Policy Institute will host a breakfast with Dr. Barry Poulson, who recently wrote a report for KPI titled A Comprehensive Reform of the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System. Writes KPI: “There is a $12 billion elephant lurking in Kansas and it seems no one wants to talk about it. That elephant is the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS) and it faces an unfunded liability of $12 billion. … Barry Poulson, Ph.D., is an adjunct fiscal policy fellow at KPI and is a retired professor at the University of Colorado. He has taught economics around the world and works with the Heritage Foundation and Americans For Prosperity.” … The event is at 8:00 am at the Hyatt Regency in Wichita. Cost is $25. RSVP by email to James Franko.

Wichita-area legislators to meet with public. The fourth and probably final meeting of the South-Central State Legislative Delegation will be this Saturday April 23 at 9:00 am. Writes delegation chair Rep. Jim Ward: “Public comment about the proposed state budget, health care reform, voter eligibility and other major issues will be heard by local legislators at the Wichita State University Metroplex, 29th and Oliver. … Legislators need to hear from the people who are affected by these important issues. Better decisions are made when the public participates in the process.” … For further information, contact Rep. Ward, delegation chairman at 316-210-3609 or jim.ward@house.ks.gov.