Summit to provide training in activism


Next Friday and Saturday (May 7 and 8) American Majority is holding a Post-Party Summit in Kansas City. These events are being held around the country to help organize and train activists and candidates who want to work for individual freedom through limited government and the free market.

American Majority is a national non-profit, non-partisan political training institute whose mission is to train and equip a national network of leaders. The Kansas City summit is sponsored by organizations in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri.

In an email conversation I had with Beka Romm, who is Executive Director of American Majority’s Kansas office, she told how important it is to take action, and to learn how to become active:

The summit is designed to follow the tea parties with in-depth training to give activists and candidates the practical tools they need to implement freedom. If we’re to turn our nation around, it will require the local tea parties and 9.12 groups to focus on such things as identifying and training new leaders for state and local office, and then supporting them with money and grassroots work such as door-to-door and phone banking.

It will require hard-wiring and micro-targeting precincts. It will require citizen journalists providing greater transparency for government and elected officials. It will require a far more robust presence online, with Facebook, Twitter, wikis and blogs. In the intensive training that we’ll offer, individuals can choose the training topics that interest them most from national trainers such as Ned Ryun and local experts including Earl Glynn.

She added that the cost of the event is $50 (pre-registered), and that includes all meals (both Friday and Saturday), training, and materials.

Just a few days ago 400 citizens gathered in Topeka for the Kansas Defending the American Dream Summit 2010, produced by Americans for Prosperity-Kansas. This American Majority event is a way for interested citizens like those who attended the AFP summit to learn how to become activists.

To learn more about the event and register, click on


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