Wake Up America meeting in Severy


On Saturday April 24, a “Wake Up America” town hall meeting will be held in the school auditorium in Severy. Doors open at 10:00, with speakers scheduled to start at 11:15.

(Google maps indicates that from downtown Wichita, Severy is 63.2 miles to the east, and the trip should take one hour, sixteen minutes. A Google map is here. )

Speakers include Gary Benefield on the second amendment, Larry Halloran on I-Caucus, Dale “The Geezer” Chaffee on Fair Tax, Derrick Sontag on Americans for Prosperity, and a question and answer session.

Candidates who will be making appearances and speeches include United States Senate Candidate Todd Tiahrt, fourth district Congressional candidate Jim Anderson, Insurance Commissioner candidate David Powell, and Secretary of State candidate Kris Kobach.

A free lite lunch will be provided.


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