Wichita Collegiate Young Republicans to host debate


The following press release announces what should be an interesting event.

The Wichita Collegiate Upper School Young Republicans will be hosting the Republican candidates for the Kansas 4th Congressional District on Monday, April 26th. The debate will be held in Galichia Auditorium at the Upper School located at 1221 N. Webb Road; just south of 13th Street. The debate will start at 7:00 pm and run through 8:30 pm, with doors opening at 6:00 pm.

The debate will be moderated by WCS Young Republican leaders Abby Keleman and Carly Nelson. Questions have been generated from students and edited by the club’s faculty sponsor, Rodney Wren. Candidates will be given two minutes for opening statements, will be allowed one and a half minutes to answer questions, if a candidate is named in an answer they will have thirty seconds for rebuttal, and candidates will be given one minute for a closing statement.

Questions should be directed to either Miss Keleman at wcsyoungrepublicans@gmail.com or Mr. Wren at rwren@wcsks.com.