Wichita winter tea party: it’s inside this Saturday


Kansans For Liberty is hosting a tea party this Saturday February 20 at Century II Exhibition Hall. It starts at 1:00 pm.

Lynda Tyler, the organizer for this event, says that there are two levels to this event: A stage with organizations, candidates, a forum, ending with keynote speaker Apostle Claver.

The other level is the decorated tables around the outside of the room representing organizations and campaigns from all over Kansas.

The event is free to the public. There will be raffles for flags, baskets, dinners to Mike’s Steakhouse, and two tickets to see Sarah Palin at the Intrust Bank Arena in May. Raffle tickets are $1.00 each or 3 for $2.00. The door prize drawing is for two tickets to the VIP Round Table breakfast with Mike Huckabee on February 24th at 8:15 that morning.

There is an after rally VIP Fundraising Dinner with Apostle Claver at Whiskey Creek Steakhouse. Tickets for this event are $50.00.

Radio personality Paul Ibbetson, host of “The Conscious of Kansas” on Wildcat 91.1 in Manhattan, will emcee the event.

Candidates for the United State Senate Todd Tiahrt and Jerry Moran will address the crowd early in the event.

Insurance Commissioner candidate David Powell will speak, followed by Dr. George Watson speaking on health care issues facing America Today.

The Independence Caucus group will explain their vetting process that will help voters understand the various positions and views of the candidates who have gone through the process. They will also introduce the congressional candidates who have gone through this process and where you can find the results online.

The Fair Tax KC group will be here with a plan to eliminate the IRS.

There are two state sovereignty organizations coming that have been instrumental in the push for Kansas to send a resolution to Washington DC so that we will no longer tolerate the federal government stepping on the constitutional rights of the states and their citizens.

Kansas Libertarian Party chairman Andrew P. Gray will speak on the party’s 2010 plans and activities.

The Great American Forum will take about an hour to showcase the U.S. Congressional Candidates for the 4th District.

The keynote speaker is “Apostle Claver” T. Kamau-Imani, founder and chairman of www.ragingelephants.org He is a dynamic speaker whose mission includes getting people to “Vote their values — not a party.”

KansansforLiberty.com has details and more information, including a list of the organizations confirmed to be at the Winter Rally.


7 responses to “Wichita winter tea party: it’s inside this Saturday”

  1. Thank you, Voice for Liberty in Wichita, for all the references and articles on Kansas and Wichita government issues that you share. What a resource, great job. You are right up there with FOX.

  2. Dismal Scientist

    I would agree with everything that LenM said above except for Voice for Liberty in Wichita being “right up there with FOX.” Are you kidding me? Wichita Liberty far surpasses the neo-con mouthpiece know as FOX News “fair and balanced” my Aunt Fanny! Wichita Liberty is better than any tv, radio or print media in Wichita! Go Bob go! Mr. Weeks needs his own local radio show! 1480 Big Talker/Steckline Communications are you reading this???

  3. Sheila

    I am going to try and come tomorrow, and bring a few friends from Hutchinson. We do NOT support Moran, as he voted WITH Pelosi and Obama for the SCHIP tax. His weak explanation, “we need to take care of hospitals, don’t want them to go broke.” Bullcrap, Mr Moran! It’s a socialist program which singles out one group of tax payers.

  4. Dismal Scientist

    Judging from the list of participants at the program on Saturday, it seems to me that the neo-conservative/theo-conservative wing of the GOP is trying to hijack the liberty movement in Wichita, just like they are nationally. Tomorrow, stop by the Libertarian Party of Kansas booth and take the World’s Smallest Political Quiz”, take some literature and watch for LPKS chair, Andrew Gray and his address at the Winter Rally. It will be the best speech of the afternoon! Live Free or Die!

  5. Tom Holt

    Len ,

    Being “up there with FOX” is not something many of us view as a positive attribute. It’s like starting your story by telling us of the alien abduction that happened last night.
    Along the same vein is when really rich old white guys try to tell us that they are looking out for OUR best interests – they are not and we should remember that every time AFP opens their mouths – wallet watching alert time.

    Have great ideas on how to fix/change/add new things ?
    Drop the fanaticism that turns us off immediately [ covenant marriage anyone – but not for same sex. Is this the most pressing thing in the state ??? Really Do you have “Tiger” law coming too ]

  6. Mike

    Hi, While Fox News may not be totally fair and balanced, they are far more likely to point out flaws in a conservative or republican that ABC is to point our a flaw in a democrat or a liberal. ABC, NBC, and CBS seem to have volunteered to be the Ministry of Propoganda for the Democratic Socialist Party. Fox on the other hand seems to be running the conservative movement into the republicans, whether they wanted it or not.

    O.K., who’s the AFP?


  7. Ann H.

    AFP=Americans for Prosperity, a really great group working for economic conservatism. Check them out at americansforprosperity.com.

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