Who Makes the Money in Sedgwick County?


Here’s a story sent to me by a friend.

A local, newly elected official went to his church late in 2008 in Sedgwick County to pick up some family members. When he went in, he saw two deputy sheriffs and a third person at the information desk in the church’s atrium. This official knew one of the deputies and stopped to say hello.

The official was introduced by the deputy to the second deputy as well as told that the third person there also worked for county government. The elected official asked, “what part of the county do you work for?” to the third person who was working on a laptop computer.

“I work for the money making part,” the third person with the computer said.

“Oh, what part of the county treasurer’s office do you work in?” the elected official asked.

“I don’t work for the treasurer,” the third person behind the information desk said while adding a contemptuous glance, “I work for the appraiser.”

This story indicates that the real challenge in Kansas is soaring tax appraisals. Since the real estate boom that has driven appraisals has turned into a “bust” these values should not be increasing. The 2009 appraisals are due in March. Property prices are declining nationally. This should be reflected in the annual appraisals. Stay tuned to see.