Tag: Freedom

  • Kansas Economic Freedom Index launched

    The purpose of the Kansas Economic Freedom Index is to identify Kansas legislators who vote in favor of economic freedom — and those who don’t.

  • The bamboozled public

    The increasing use of scientific jargon, especially in the social sciences, has permitted intellectuals to weave apologia for State rule which rival the ancient priestcraft in obscurantism.

  • Organizing for a free America summits

    American Majority is offering a number of post party summits across the country. The goal of these summits is to “highlight and emphasize real tools that an organization, campaign, and individual activist can implement immediately.”

  • Importance of economic freedom explained in Wichita

    Yesterday Robert Lawson appeared in Wichita to deliver a lecture titled “Economic Freedom and the Wealth and Health of Nations.” The lecture explained how Lawson and his colleagues calculate the annual “Economic Freedom of the World” index, which ranks most of the countries of the world in how the “policies and institutions of countries are…

  • Smoking is healthier than fascism

    There’s a Facebook group named Vote NO on Statewide Smoking Ban (Smoking is healthier than fascism). Started by Wichita activist Wendy Aylworth, the description of the group starts with the rallying cry “We must stop this tyranny of the majority!” Yes, we must.

  • The myth of the smoking ban ‘miracle’

    Supporters of comprehensive bans on smoking often point to research findings that heart attacks decrease when smoking bans are implemented. But is this true?

  • ‘Economic Freedom and the Wealth and Health of Nations’ lecture to be in Wichita

    Do you know where the United States ranks on the global index of economic freedom? (Hint: It wouldn’t get a medal.) The answer is in the latest edition of the Economic Freedom of the World report. Dr. Robert Lawson of Auburn University is co-author of this popular and widely cited report. He will be the…

  • Thoughts on Constitution Day

    Today, September 17, is a little-remembered date in Kansas and arguably a day that eclipses even Independence Day in significance. On this day in 1787, occurred the signing of the U.S. Constitution. Not since the Magna Carta, (June 15, 1215) had there been such a progression by the purpose, mind and hand of mankind to…

  • John Stossel urges reliance on freedom, not government, in Wichita

    Speaking at Wichita State University on Monday, former ABC News Journalist John Stossel told a large crowd that free markets and limited government, not government, are the best way to increase our wealth and prosperity.