Tag: Gwen Welshimer
Sedgwick County Republicans elect leadership
The Sedgwick County Republican Party met to elect its leadership, and while the party has made improvements in inclusiveness, some still feel left out.
Political attacks not all bad
Dr. Mel Kahn of Wichita State University explains why he believes negative attacks and the accountability they generate are essential to democracy.
Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Wednesday November 3, 2010
Today: Elections, Dave Unruh, Jim Skelton, Gwen Welshimer, Republican Party, Wichita Pachyderm Club, Paul Gray, Jeff Longwell, Rhonda Holman, Sue Schlapp, Carl Brewer.
Peterjohn presses taxpayer protection platform through Sedgwick County Commission
At today’s meeting of the Sedgwick County Commission, commissioners revised the county’s 2010 legislative platform, adding important and groundbreaking taxpayer protection to the platform. The split vote lets voters know without a doubt where commissioners stand on taxpayer protection issues.
Welshimer files for re-election to Sedgwick County Commission
Today, Sedgwick County Commissioner Gwen Welshimer filed for re-election to her position as a member of the commission. Her statement is below. Welshimer, a Democrat, is so far the only candidate in that party. There are three Republicans who have either filed or are considering filing.
Wichita Eagle reporting, headlining discussed by commissioners
In today’s meeting of the Sedgwick County Commission, Wichita Eagle reporting and editorializing was the subject of an off-agenda item. Commissioner Gwen Welshimer used this opportunity to read into the record part of a press release she issued yesterday. The entire press release is at the end of this article.
Parks’ Selection as Sedgwick County Commission Chair Breaks Tradition
In a move that suggests that there may be some change in the way things are done in the Sedgwick County Courthouse, Kelly Parks was selected as chairman of the Board of County Commissioners for the next year. No other name was placed in nomination. Then, Gwen Welshimer was selected as chairmen pro tem, again…
Sedgwick County Commission fails citizens
At yesterday’s meeting of the Sedgwick County Commission, Commissioners Tom Winters, Tim Norton, and Dave Unruh failed to take an opportunity to stand up for good government.