• Kansas school spending advocates exaggerate employment losses

    Yesterday I reported how Kansas school spending advocates lie about facts in order to score political points with their constituencies. Today we again see how the school spending lobby distorts facts, this time in a very substantial way concerning an important matter.

  • To Kansas school spending advocates, criticism comes fast and loose

    As the debate over the funding of Kansas public schools goes on, sometimes facts get lost in the shuffle, and school spending advocates sometimes invent “facts” in order to score political points by criticizing those working to bring inconvenient facts to light.

  • Kansas teachers union makes it easy to ask for money

    Thanks for Kansas Liberty for uncovering an effort of the Kansas National Education Association (or KNEA, the teachers union) to make it easy for school spending advocates to ask for more tax money.

  • For Kansas teachers union, fund balances are an illusion, not a solution

    Today’s edition of Under the Dome Today — that’s the house organ of the Kansas National Education Association or (KNEA, the teachers union) — contains a story with the headline “Anti-Government Group launches another attack on public education.” A more accurate headline might read “School spending advocacy group refuses to acknowledge budget solution that Kansas…

  • Kansas news digest

    News from alternative media around Kansas for December 21, 2009.

  • Kansas news digest

    News from around Kansas for October 12, 2009.

  • KPERS report sparks backlash from Wichita SEIU

    Recently Kansas University professor Art Hall, along with a co-author, published a study explaining the funding crisis in KPERS, the Kansas Public Employee Retirement system. In summary, the report states: “The key finding of the study is that the KPERS system will not be in actuarial balance over the thirty year amortization period set in…

  • Kansas needs education for prosperity

    Mark Tallman, assistant executive director of the Kansas Association of School Boards (KASB), seems to be making the case that spending on education is more important to a state than moderate tax rates. He makes this case as reported in a recent Topeka Capital-Journal article Education a key to prosperity. As reported: “Tallman said action…

  • Kansas Action for Children calls for tax increase

    Reporting by Paul Soutar of the Flint Hills Center for Public Policy shows Kansas Action for Children (KAC) calling for higher taxes on Kansans. Soutar cites a KAC report: “The long-term solution to avoid increasing budget gaps is to update and modernize the Kansas tax system in a way that accurately reflects the current economy…