Tag: Overcriminalization
The overcriminalization in the charges against Michael O’Donnell
The indictment against Sedgwick County Commissioner Michael O’Donnell smells of overcriminalization.
WichitaLiberty.TV: Keen Umbehr on criminal justice reform
Keen Umbehr is a criminal defense attorney. He talks about reforms needed in the criminal justice system.
In Wichita, your house numbers may become illegal
Thousands of Wichita homeowners may soon be lawbreakers if the city council follows its staff’s recommendation.
Wichita to impose burdensome occupational requirements
The proposed massage therapist regulations in Wichita are likely to be ineffective, but will limit economic opportunity and harm consumers.
Massage business regulations likely to be ineffective, but will be onerous
The Wichita City Council is likely to create a new regulatory regime for massage businesses in response to a problem that is already addressed by strict laws.
If you can’t get a cop in Wichita
If you can’t get a cop in Wichita, it could be that the officers are busy protecting the city from the illegal playing of poker.
WichitaLiberty.TV: Sales tax exemptions, criminal justice reform, and charity
Does the elimination of sales tax exemptions hold the solution to Kansas budget problems? We have a problem with overcriminalization and the criminal justice system. Then, is there a difference between government and charity?
Criminal justice reform: Why it matters
Mark Holden, Senior Vice President and General Counsel at Koch Industries, Inc., speaks about criminal justice reform initiatives Koch is encouraging in and why they’re important from moral, constitutional and fiscal perspectives.
Making Wichita an inclusive and attractive community
There are things both easy and difficult Wichita could do to make the city inclusive and welcoming of all, especially the young and diverse.