Constitution class to be held in Wichita


Constitution and immigration law professor Kris Kobach will be teaching a free class on the history and relevance of the U.S. Constitution. Professor Kobach, a Constitutional law professor at UMKC Law School and former adviser to Attorney General John Ashcroft, is one of America’s top authorities on the Constitution. He will be teaching on the original meaning and understanding of the text and how it is coming under assault with the passage of the health care bill and the overall usurpation of power by an ever-expanding government.

The class will run three hours in length. The first two hours will be focused solely on the Constitution, and the last hour will be dedicated to taking any questions you might have.

The date for this free event is Saturday, April 24, 2010 from 9:00am to noon. The location is the Boston Recreation Center in Wichita, located at 6655 E. Zimmerly.

A map to the location is here. This event has a Facebook event page.


One response to “Constitution class to be held in Wichita”

  1. Arnie E. Wood

    Please save two seats for me. Thanks………..Arnie

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