Sonia Sotomayor: We don’t make law (hee hee)


One of the names that’s surfacing as a potential Supreme Court justice is Appeals Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

Those who believe that judges should interpret the law and not create new law from the bench should be alarmed that this person’s name is in consideration.

In this video from a conference in 2005, Sotomayor displays her contempt for the proper roll of judges. Her attitude is more like what we might expect of a guest on The View or The Ellen DeGeneres Show — either of which will probably be happening soon.

Part of her remarks: “I know this is on tape and I should never say that because we don’t make law I know [audience laughter] … um, I, okay, I know, I know….I’m not promoting it, I’m not advocating it, I’m, you know [Sotomayor laughter] okay.”