Wichita School Bond: Was Safety Important in 2000 at College Hill Elementary?


Today, three College Hill Elementary School staff members (Casey McConnell, Kathleen Endsley, and Jacqueline Henning) write to the Wichita Eagle with this complaint about their school, and a question too:

But like many schools in the district, it does not have a safe room for use in a tornado warning. …

It has been stated that storms most often happen when school is not in session. Our question to the citizens of Wichita is this: Should children be put at risk in the hope that they will beat the odds? Our answer is a resounding “no.”

(See Lack of safe rooms has become gamble)

Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it?

Now, read the first sentence of this letter:

With the passing of the 2000 bond, College Hill Elementary School benefited from much-needed building additions.

That’s right. USD 259 added new space to this school as part of the 2000 bond issue.

Was safety a concern at that time? Couldn’t a safe room or other arrangements for the safety of children and staff have been made at that time?


One response to “Wichita School Bond: Was Safety Important in 2000 at College Hill Elementary?”

  1. David Patchen

    FEMA standards for safe rooms did not exist in 2000. There’s your answer. It wasn’t hard to find.

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