Tillman story may leave wrong impression of Wichita tea party


The Wichita Eagle news story Democrat Tillman enters race for 4th District seat may give its readers an incorrect impression of the Wichita tea party protest held on tax day.

In the story, the reporter quotes Robert Tillman as saying “Confederate flags (were) flown at the Republican tea party.”

The first half of this statement is true, but hardly indicative of the sentiment of tea party protesters.

I have about 360 photographs that I took at the tea party. Looking at them, I saw one confederate flag.

I called Robert Tillman, the subject of the story and whose quote appears above, and asked him how many of these flags he saw. He said “at least two.”

At least 2,000 people attended the Wichita tea party. So a rate of one confederate flag per 1,000 people, I’d venture to say, hardly supports the impression that readers may get from this story.

By the way, an informal survey by a television reporter of 100 people at the tea party found 46 who identified themselves as Republicans. So the claim that it was a “Republican tea party” is not substantiated either.


14 responses to “Tillman story may leave wrong impression of Wichita tea party”

  1. James

    Tillman needs to get a clue.

  2. Here we go again…someone tell Tillman that the lady who first brought the idea of the Tea Party to Wichita is still a registered Democrat. But I am a Democrat with strong Conservative views. My name is Nancy Armstrong….I guess it is time to write the Editors of the paper….they need to talk to me. If people don’t believe me my blog name is msplaceddemocrat.com.

  3. Susan

    I never saw a flag of that sort and I was there.

  4. Lynda Tyler

    I may have seen ONE Confederate flag there. I did see quite a few historical flags some of which had variations on the Brittish flag on them. Perhaps Tillman doesn’t know what a confederate flag really looks like? He definitely doesn’t know what it represents. I too spoke with many people at the tea party and was surprised how few were Republicans.

    Besides Tea Parties are not about party affiliation, they are about Americans being angry and frustrated with those who have their heads in the sand and wasting our tax dollars.

  5. Carla

    In typical liberal fashion Tillman attempts to divert and discredit the reason people gathered in hopes the underlying story gets lost in translation.
    And in typical fashion the Eagle lets the quote stand without any investigative reporting.
    Where was the story of who the attendees were and why people were there?

  6. Cybex

    Carla’s comments are right on target. She understand that you should never argue with an idiot, as they will drag you down to their level and beat you with their experience.

  7. Paul Revere

    I was there the ENTIRE time, and the only flags I saw besides the Historical flags if the United States, were “don’t tread on me” Gadsden flags, and the America flag.

    I think this is just another opportunity for Mr. Tillman to try to diminish the tea party movement while propagating his own agenda.

    I wonder if I could oppose Mr. Tillman……

  8. As the writer of the article in question, I’d like to weigh in. The photographic record confirms that Confederate flags were flown at the tea party. Regardless of how many there may or may not have been, I don’t think it was any kind of journalistic transgression on my part to allow someone, in a direct quote, to say that he was offended by that. And while I do not doubt there were Democrats, libertarians and unaffiliateds in attendance, I don’t think anybody would question that the primary organizers of the tea party are most, if not all, Republicans and the headline speakers were Sam Brownback and Susan Wagle.

  9. Darrell Leffew

    I am concerned that a Confederate flag would NOT be viewed as racist in any setting and certainly what else could it represent at that public display of protest against taxes.
    And if we do not start practicing ZERO tolerance of anything meant to be racist, we are therefore supporting racism by default.
    We MUST either be part of the solution or we are part of the problem.

  10. Robert Tillman

    I am Robert Tillman and I seek the Democratic nomination for the positioin of United States Representative for Kansas District 4. As an African American; who has lived through the experiences of racism most of my life, I am affended at the idea that a Conference Flag indicates. I am not afraid of what the flag indicates because I am beyond those fears. I saw the flags as an attack on President Obama’s race not his politics. But; President Obama can take care of himself. The conference flags were an attack on all African Americans, me included and we are not going to toloerate it anymore. “I am your hackerberry”, (reference; Doctor Holiday in “Tomstone”).
    Robert Tillman seeks Congress

  11. Robert Tillman

    Robert Tillman has made it official, Robert Tillman for Congress; by filing for the position of United States Representative for the State of kansas District 4 on April 30, 2010.

  12. Robert Tillman

    Robert Tillman has made it official. Robert Tillman for Congress; by filing for the position of United States Representative for the State of Kansas District 4 on April 30, 2010.

  13. Robert Tillman is going to do it again. On or about March 28,2012, Robert Tillman paid his campaing filing fee in person with the Kansas Secretary of State in Topeka, Kansas. Robert Tillman said that he is running for Congress as a United States Representative for the State of Kansas, District 4 because of what the current Republican Congress in doing in Washington, DC. Refering again to the motion picture”Tombstone”, starting Kurt Russell as Wyatt Earp; note that when Wyatt Earp arrived in Tombstone, looking for a job as a card dealer that Johnnie Taylor had; Wyatt Earp told Taylor that he was in his seat) Robert Tillman tells Current Congressman Mike Pompeo of the 4th District of Kansas that he is in his seat.

  14. No new comments! Well, I have more to say. I can’t wait to get at Congressman Mike Pempeo in the General Election in November 2012. But, first I will have to dispose of the Democratic primary want-to-be-candidates in the August 2012 election. I am a proud Democrat, and I fully support our Democratic Party Leader; the President of the United States Barack Obama. The people who support us the most will not read this message. We ar going to continue to help them anyway. Robert Tillman for Congress

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