Category: Environment
Voice for Liberty Radio: Hydraulic fracturing: A conjured-up controversy?
In this episode of Voice for Liberty Radio: Dwight D. Keen is former chairman of the Kansas Independent Oil and Gas Association. He spoke to the Wichita Pachyderm Club on the topic “Hydraulic Fracturing: A Conjured-up Controversy.”
Misguided faith
A big “thank you” to Mike Smith for his rebuttal to an op-ed printed in today’s Wichita Eagle.
Are you worried about global warming?
As the following two charts show, the models that are in common use by climate scientists have predicted rising temperatures, but actual observations of temperatures have not conformed to predictions. Temperatures have been level in recent years.
Recycling debate short on reason
Responses to a news story on recycling indicate that the issue is driven more by emotion and misinformation than reason.
For Gasland 2, there will be no dissent allowed
The maker of FrackNation writes “Our mistake was to believe the Tribeca Film Festival’s claims to want diversity of opinion and people who are passionate about film.”
FrackNation to tell truth about fracking
A new feature film by Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney will present the truth about hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking.
Occupy Koch Town protestors ignore facts
Occupy Koch Town protesters show no concern for facts or reason in their politically-motivated attack on Koch Industries, capitalism, and human progress.
Fracking movie proposed
Filmmakers Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer produced the 2009 film “Not Evil Just Wrong” that uncovered the myths and misinformation spread by radical environmental extremists. Now the two have looked at fracking and hope to produce a documentary film on this topic.
CSAPR not friendly, not a ghost
Every citizen on the planet bears a responsibility toward stewardship of the environment. In the United States we have been blessed by much improved air and water quality over many decades of dedicated effort. There are, however, practical limits as to how far to push the envelope of “clean.”