Category: Wichita and Kansas schools
NAEP 2017 for Kansas, first look
A look at National Assessment of Educational Progress test scores for Kansas and the nation, grade 4 reading.
Kansas and Iowa schools
Should Kansas schools aspire to be more like Iowa schools?
Colorado and Kansas schools
A writer claims that Colorado schools are well-funded, while Kansas schools are not.
Dale Dennis, sage of Kansas school finance?
Is the state’s leading expert on school funding truly knowledgeable, or is he untrustworthy?
Wichita school student/teacher ratios
During years of purported budget cuts, what has been the trend of student/teacher ratios in the Wichita public school district?
Wichita school revenue
Revenue for the Wichita public school district continues its familiar trend.
Kansas school spending
New data for spending in Kansas schools is available.
Wichita public school district transparency
Transparency issues surrounding the Wichita public school district are in the news. There are steps that are easy to make, but the district resists.
Kansas school fund balances
Kansas school fund balances rose this year, in both absolute dollars and dollars per pupil.