Quarterly Real GDP in Kansas


Examining changes in GDP and industry contribution in Kansas.

The interactive visualization Quarterly Real Gross Domestic Product by state and industry holds real (inflation-adjusted) GDP data for states and industries. In the visualization, one presentation shows the contribution to a state’s GDP by each industry.

The nearby example taken from the visualization shows data for Kansas and nearby states, as well as the nation. The industry “Government and government enterprises” contributes a large portion of Kansas GDP, more than any of the illustrated states except Oklahoma. This is consistent with Kansas having many government employees as compared to other states. 1

Click for larger.

We see that the industry “Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting’ is prominent in Kansas compared to the nation, although both Iowa and Nebraska are more reliant on this industry. Kansas is roughly equal to the Plains states in this regard. Note that agriculture is volatile.


  1. “Looking at the number of government employees in proportion to population, Kansas has many compared to other states, and especially so in education.” Weeks, Bob. State and local government employees and payroll. Available at https://wichitaliberty.org/kansas-government/state-and-local-government-employees-and-payroll-through-2018/.