Value of of money varies by state


From the Tax Foundation, the value of $100 by state. Click to visit the study.
From the Tax Foundation, the value of $100 by state. Click to visit the study.
Based on data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Tax Foundation has produced a map showing how the value of a dollar varies among the states. This difference is due to the relative price levels found in states. Kansas ranks fourteenth highest, with a benchmark $100 being worth $110.25.

To find more about the study and your state, click here.


One response to “Value of of money varies by state”

  1. good article, Bob. Its always important to me to be able to step back, and re-acquire the big picture about some of whats RIGHT about living in Kansas. To read the comments section of politically centered articles in the CJ or in the LJ-W, you might think the sky is about to fall! God bless this great state, and Wichitaliberty. org. Get the word out about less taxes and smaller government!

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