At The Kansas Meadowlark, read about a Kansas state representative’s use of franked mail: State Rep Rardin’s FOURTH franked piece to kick-start his re-election campaign. This post inspired a few rather heated comments.
At Right-Wing Agenda, Kevin Mark Smith write about risk and reward in choosing a career path in The demise of the American Dream began with the 40-hour work week.
The Joyful Cynic contributes two interesting and helpful articles for young people looking for a job: Advice to a Young Person Looking for a Job, Part 1 and Part 2.
Custer, writing at The Kansas Republican, takes on Phill (there are two l’s there) Kline and his ego in deciding to run for reelection as Johnson County District Attorney in Phil Kline is Not Pro-Life. In Fact, He’s Planned Parenthood’s Dream. Wild Bill spots inconsistencies in Nancy Boyda’s claims and her actions regarding fundraising in Despite Claiming She Stays Out of “Whole Fundraising Shtick,” Boyda Banks Washington Lobbyists’ Cash. Wild Bill also reports on claimed plagiarism by Boyda in Boyda’s Plagiarism Mentioned In DC’s Politico. Still No ‘Mystery’ Press Release. Comments to this post claim to “out” a comment-writer as Shanan Guinn, Boyda’s Chief of Staff. I think these comment wars over exposing the identities of posters or comment-writers are unfruitful. On the Wichita Eagle blog, sometimes entire threads consisting of perhaps hundreds of comments are devoted to just that, so I guess they must be fun for some people. But when the authors of a blog are anonymous, as are the authors of this blog, I guess we can’t expect comment-writers to identify themselves.
Also: commentary on a Washington Post article on Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius and her limitations as a possible vice presidential candidate: Sebelius’ National Security Credentials Slammed in Washington Post.
The Kansas Trunkline wonders about Kathleen Sebelius’ travel schedule in What’s the Governor trying to hide?
The Kenig Konnection reports on a campaign stop by Nick Jordan in Nick Jordan’s grassoots campaign, Ryun’s “positive” pledge…
The Kansas Republican Assembly Blog reports on a couple living in Lawrence who plan to travel to California to marry, and then seek recognition of that act in Kansas: Lawrence residents to ‘wed’ in California, seek recognition in Kansas.
The Quite Conservative comments on a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in Elevating Enemies of the State to Favored Status.
The mysterious “Boondoggler” at Wichita 259 Truth contributes some fine analysis of a situation in the Wichita public school district in Wichita School Board – “Go Along to Get Along”
The Voice For Liberty in Wichita (that’s me) was largely quiet this week due to the author taking a few days of vacation and attending a conference.