A pretty busy week for Kansas blogs, even though summer has set in.
At KSSmallBiz.com, read Ken Daniel’s notes on his presentation to the Kansas Health Policy Authority in Kansas Health Policy Authority.
At Wichita 259 Truth, the “Boondoggler” again provides valuable analysis of the Wichita public school system and the proposed school bond issue. The article More USD 259 Deception informs us about how the Wichita district has left out some important facts when making its case about the mill levies of Wichita and surrounding school districts.
The KRA Blog post What the media missed .. Slattery drops 4% in latest poll explains problems with recent polling on Kansas’s United States senate race.
The Kansas Trunkline reports on some flip-flopping by Nancy Boyda and Dennis Moore, Kansas’s two Democratic United States house members” It took them 125 days. In Funny Boyda Blog Takes Shot at Trunkline, Christian Morgan criticizes the anonymous blog Boyda Bloc for just that: its anonymity. I suppose anonymously-written blogs have their place, but I wonder why supporters of Nancy Boyda won’t declare themselves openly. Earlier this year I emailed this blog’s email address and asked “why are you anonymous?” The response I received was “Everyone who posts here posts under the same anonymous account to protect the privacy of all those involved. It was an decision based on the opinion of each person involved.” I guess I should have asked the question differently.
The Kansas Meadowlark (a semi-anonymous blogger) writes about something I think is very important: members of the Kansas Energy and Environmental Policy Advisory Group. This post asks questions Kansas house and KEEP member Annie Kuether and her investments in oil companies, while at the same time pushing legislation supporting causes dear to environmentalists: Environmentalist Democratic State Rep invests in “Big Oil”? Rep. Keuther, what about it?
Then, the Meadowlark asks for help that I might be able to provide: Attending Wichita Pride Parade or Festival on Sunday? Tell Bruce McKinney his PAC report to the Ethics Commission is late!
The anonymous blogger at Stay Red Kansas reports on Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius and her trip to Denver to speak at an Earthjustice event in GONE WITH THE WIND. Why the name Earthjustice? “Because the Earth Needs a Good Lawyer.”
At Neighborhood Watch Watch, Thomas Lessman writes about how the Left is hard on those it judges not politically correct in Irrational Hatred from the Left.
At The Patriots read about unintended consequences of environmentalism in Environmentalism .. malaria … and World Government .
The Kansas Republican continues coverage of “Huelskamp’s Senate Purge” in Living La Leadership Kobach. A few of the commenters to this post seem to know what they’re talking about.
The big news at the Voice For Liberty in Wichita is the switch from Drupal to WordPress: It’s Now WordPress. I can testify that the conversion was a lot of work. Starting a WordPress blog, however, is easy. Converting from Drupal; not so easy.
Other posts of note: A Wichita hospital takes up the slack in Canada’s government-run health care system in Wichita’s Galichia Provides What Government Health Care Doesn’t. A commenter on a Wichita blog confuses what libertarianism is all about in Understanding the Responsibility of Liberty. Taxpayers in Wichita and overlapping jurisdictions face uncertainty in Wichita Tax Swap Has Dangers. Someone is not pleased with a recent United States Supreme Court decision: Letter to Justice Anthony Kennedy. Will Wichita make the same mistake twice? Warren Old Town Wichita Theater: Good Money After Bad?
Finally, an editorial in the Wichita Eagle inspires Bob Weeks to start an investigative series of articles: Kansas Energy and Environmental Policy Advisory Group: Good for Kansas?