We won’t do that here


Recently someone left a comment that tried to associate a made-up name someone uses when commenting on this blog with that person’s actual name. I removed that comment.

For one, I don’t know if the charge made by the comment writer (themselves operating under an assumed name, or at least a name that gives little clue as to their identity) is true.

Second, at the Wichita Eagle editorial blog, identity-speculating and other behavior stemming from that has poisoned that forum to the point where many discussions degenerate into the worst forms of name-calling, and even death threats. I won’t let that happen here.


2 responses to “We won’t do that here”

  1. Joe

    Thanks goodness. I used to like the WE blog and was one of the frequent visitors and posters of the blog since the beginning and even met at the Wichita Eagle with a number of other posters at that blog to discuss about it.

    I don’t even go to that site anymore. It’s has gotten so bad that nobody can have a reasonable debate anymore. It has been hijacked by trolls.

    A person(s) used to do that over on the WE Blog (before they required a username/password sign-in) and use my name (because I used my real name) and was making posts that were not mine. One particular leftist on there was e-mailing me threats and I just made up my mind that it’s too uncivilized and the Eagle was doing nothing to monitor it.

  2. Cybex

    Thank You Bob! The debate of ideas should be respectful and tolerant of the opinions of others.

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