Does Jim Ward hate trees?


Yesterday members of the South-central Kansas Legislative Delegation — nine of them, anyway — met for two hours with citizens. Following is a citizen report sent to me.

Does Jim Ward hate trees?

The Legislative Forum focused on the budget shortfall and how to deal with it. I was shocked within the first five minutes when, after the panel was introduced, only specific members of the audience were given special recognition. Audience members who were employees of USD 259, the Wichita public school district, were granted time carved out of the people’s minutes. Each was honored with an introduction by name, place of work, and even given time to talk about their sports teams! Attendees not on the government payroll — e.g. those paying the salaries of each person specially recognized and catered to — got not a word of recognition. Were we worth that little? Actually worth the nothing they gave us? Do the legislators believe that each person in the room has one vote each, or do some get extra? I think I witnessed vote-buying. And it wasn’t their constituents they cared about; no, it was fellow government hacks.

Comments by one legislator on the first topic are downright disgusting. Regarding the the expansion of Holcomb Station (new power plants a private company seeks to build with its own funds in southwest Kansas), Representative Jim Ward expressed concern over the carbon dioxide “and other poisonous gases” the plant would give off.

Are you shocked? Jim Ward thinks that the air you exhale is poisonous. I could only think that maybe his hot air is poisonous — well, not just “maybe,” but definitely. Doesn’t he know that plant life on our planet must have carbon dioxide to live? Is he ignorant of the fact that we humans, animals, your dog and cat have a natural symbiotic relationship with plants? We produce the carbon dioxide that plants need to live and they use it to produce more oxygen for us to live. There’s long been a natural balance in the earth. It existed long before he came along. How does he not know this? And, most especially why is he calling CO2 poison? Does he hate plants? Does he want to exterminate plant life? Is he anti-vegetable? Does he hate flowers? Perhaps he hates trees? Where was this guy educated? … Oh wait, he probably went to the schools run by those people in the room who were granted the highest attention and honor for their very presence — I bet he went to a monopolistic government school. The ones we are forced to pay for and to which he’d evidently love to force all people to attend. This is why he can’t think for himself.

— Val