Kansas Energy and Environmental Policy Advisory Group: Good for Kansas?


Yesterday’s Wichita Eagle editorial by Randy Scholfield (Climate group could help state) supports Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius and her hand-picked Kansas Energy and Environmental Policy Advisory Group (KEEP). Together with an earlier article in the same newspaper (Climate group to assist state on energy plan, June 22, 2008), Kansans have plenty to be worried about as our governor seeks to burnish her national reputation as a green governor as she makes plans for her post-gubernatorial career.

The Wall Street Journal got it just right in a recent editorial The ‘No, Nothing’ Democrats: “Ms. Sebelius is a Democratic wunderkind and her name is circulating for a cabinet post in an Obama Administration, maybe even Vice President. She’s representative of the party’s ‘no, nothing’ wing, which knows only what energy it wants to ban or limit, not what it is going to offer in place.”

Randy Scholfield does a good job inoculating Kansans against the concern they should justifiably have about the reputation of the Center for Climate Strategies, the group that will help KEEP formulate its plan. But I feel that the nature and track record of this advisory group may push a misguided energy policy on the people of Kansas.

Kansans need to know more about KEEP, its members, and its processes as it develops its policies and recommendations. As I learn more, there will be future posts on the Voice for Liberty in Wichita that will present a comprehensive look at KEEP.


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