Who will watch for Kansas minimum wage victims?


Oops, there’s a mistake below. I’ve just been told the higher wage doesn’t take effect until January 1, 2010. So if this law is such a good deal for Kansas, I wonder what’s the reason for the delay until it takes effect?

Today, the new Kansas minimum wage law takes effect. It’s likely that as employers are required to pay their workers more, some will lose their job.

So now minimum wage supporters have a duty to perform. They need to watch for people who may lose their job and for companies that may close due to this law’s effect.

It could be the case that everyone in Kansas is already paid more than the new, higher minimum wage. If so, we wouldn’t expect to see any job loss. But if this is the case, why need for the law?

Higher minimum wage advocates need to be on the watch for workers who lose their jobs because of the effects of a law they agitated for. They are responsible for the plight of those who lose their job.

These unfortunate workers, unfortunate first because they don’t have skills that allow them fill jobs that pay good wages; unfortunate again in their role as sacrificial lambs for those who see social injustice through the fog of social liberalism; unfortunate again to lose their jobs during a recession — what are they to do?

Will the newspaper editorialists who supported the minimum wage seek out these people?

Will newspaper and television reporters feature their stories? It’s easy for reporters to find the workers who will be paid more when the new wage takes effect. Finding the newly jobless is more difficult. But their story is more important.

The unions who supported the higher minimum wage: will they help the newly jobless?

Hopefully no one will lose their job and no firms will close because of the Kansas minimum wage law. This is not likely, and finding the victims of the law will not be easy.

More background is at Kansas minimum wage and Kansas minimum wage at issue again. A collection of articles on this topic is at minimum wage.