Milton Friedman on ‘How to Stay Free’ presented in Wichita


The local chapter of Americans for Prosperity has been screening the PBS television series “Free to Choose.” This series from 1980 features Milton Friedman teaching about the close relationship between human freedom and economic freedom. This week, the series finishes with program ten: “How to Stay Free?”

“Democracies have only recently been considered desirable. Historically, it was feared that democracies always self-destruct when citizens, forgetting that you cannot remove want and misery through legislation, insist on government actions that physically and morally bankrupt their nation. Friedman explains why the United States has so far avoided this outcome and how we can continue to do so. This program includes an interview of Dr. Friedman by Lawrence E. Spivak.”

The program is from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm this Wednesday, in the private dining room at Mike’s Steakhouse, 2131 S. Broadway, Wichita, Kansas 67211. The telephone there is (316) 265-8122. Attendees purchase their own meals from the regular menu.


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