Bobby Rozzell’s Great Idea for Wichita Leaders


At the imaginatively-named Bobby Rozzell’s Blog the author has a suggestion for Wichita government. Here’s the idea:

Some smart local leader is going to figure out that social media (blogging and such) has the potential for building relationships with a large number of citizens. A number that would be impossible if it was attempted physically. This smart local leader will start a blog and will be respected for their transparency and willingness to engage in a conversation rather than post a few pronouncements every so often. This smart local leader will be the beginning of something good.

A great idea! Outstanding! As someone who files records requests once in a while, and asks informally for information at other times, there are some local governmental bodies and officials that either don’t believe transparency is important, or don’t know how to go about accomplishing it. Yet, they insist they want to be held accountable.

There are some other observations about the local Wichita blogging scene in the full post at Everytime he passed a window they heard him say, “So far so good.”


2 responses to “Bobby Rozzell’s Great Idea for Wichita Leaders”

  1. I also think that is a great idea. But there is a downside.

    The majority of the people who would post on this leader’s blog would not have much to say or add. They would resort into insults and name calling all the time and that could clog the civic productivity that a blog or networking site could bring to our community leader(s).

    One needs just to look at just the local blogs like WE (Wichita Eagle) blog or even the comments on each article and lets not forget another example, such as the various DailyKos, Democratic Underground type of forums to see the cow squeeze that litters these sites.

    I do think it’s a great idea and worth pursuing if a civic leader would love to get engaged in the community by reaching out using the interactive internet.

    Great post. :)

  2. Bob Weeks

    You’re right Joe, the comments do often disintegrate into nothing worthwhile.

    Moderating comments takes a lot of time (if there are a lot of comments) and there’s always the chance that comments contrary to the moderator’s position or agenda will be discarded.

    Maybe a blog without comments would be worthwhile.

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