Activist training offered in Wichita


Following is an announcement of an event in Wichita that will help activists learn to be effective in their causes. I attended an American Majority training event in Kansas City last week, and it was very informative.

American Majority is pleased to announce an Activist Training will be conducted on Saturday, June 5, in Wichita, KS, to provide citizens with the tools necessary to become effective activists.

The training will take place at Lionel D. Alford Library located at 3447 S. Meridian in Wichita from 12:30 pm to 4:00 pm. Registration opens at 12:15 pm. The cost is $25 per attendee.

The training will be conducted by Laurie Skipper, a certified American Majority Mechanic Trainer.

Topics to be covered during the training include:

  • The System (an in-depth look at the system we’re in, how we got here, and what we can do about it)
  • Grassroots Action (ideas and practical steps to engage our communities and organize a coalition of volunteers)
  • Precinct Power (changing your community one precinct at a time with specific micro-targeting and focused action)
  • Patriots 2.0 (effectively utilizing social networking tools, blogs, wiki projects and other technologically-driven platforms)

Full training materials, samples and supplements will be provided to help you apply what you learn to your organization, candidate, cause or community.

More information and registration is available by clicking on American Majority — Wichita Event. Online registration is required.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, contact Laurie Skipper at or call 316-686-2525.


One response to “Activist training offered in Wichita”

  1. sue

    I went to the AM Post Party Summit in KC. And it was awesome. Many of us new to the political scene could benefit from the training they offer. It is time to move past tea parties alone, and join in the tactics and strategy necessary to get the country back to serving “We the People” again. Many involved in the tea party movement could use this instruction.

    We need to move past the emotional to the logical and intellectual.

    As Ned Ryan said so well: “Anger dissipates, but defiance lasts for generations!”

    I would encourage everyone to come to this training. And learn how to become an effective activist.

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