Final Kansas fourth Congressional district polls indicate close race


Update: An election eve poll has been released. Click on Kansas election eve poll.

Final polls indicate a close race in the contest for the Republican Party nomination for United States Congress from the fourth district of Kansas. Two candidates, Wichita businessman Mike Pompeo and Kansas Senator Jean Schodorf, are virtually tied for the lead as the campaign enters its final few days.

The candidates for this nomination and their campaign websites are Wichita businessman Jim Anderson, Wichita businessman Wink Hartman, Wichita businessman Mike Pompeo, Latham engineer Paij Rutschman, and Kansas Senator Jean Schodorf.

Schodorf campaign poll

Candidate Jean Schodorf has released a survey that shows her, again, in the lead. The poll was conducted on behalf of the Schodorf campaign on July 29th. It shows her in the lead with 30 of the vote, with Pompeo just behind and within the margin of sampling error, at 26 percent.

Hartman is in third place with 16 percent, and Anderson follows with seven percent. As in the past, Schodorf’s polls didn’t include Rutschman. 21 percent are undecided, which is again — as it has always been with Schodorf’s polls — much higher than produced by independent polls.

The news release accompanying this canvass didn’t give many details, but Schodorf’s past polls conducted by the same consulting firm have been live operator surveys of 400 voters. Likely primary voters are selected by using voter lists.

As with all polls produced on behalf of a candidate, we need to remember that surveys produced and released by campaigns are just that, and the results would probably not be released by a campaign if the results did not portray the candidate favorably.

Kansas fourth Congressional district poll resultsKansas fourth Congressional district poll results

State of the State KS poll

State of the State KS in conjunction with Fort Hays State University and its Docking Institute of Public Affairs has released a poll of the Kansas first and fourth Congressional districts. The results for the fourth district are at State of the State KS Poll: Schodorf And Pompeo Take Lead In Campaign For Congress in Fourth District.

In the poll, Schodorf leads with 22 percent, Pompeo has 19 percent, Hartman has 13 percent, Democrat Raj Goyle as 11 percent, Anderson with six percent, and 28 percent are undecided.

This poll differs from others in that Goyle, one of the two Democratic Party candidates, was included with the Republicans in the survey question.

This survey used a smaller sample size, and as a result the margin of sampling error is larger at eight percent.

Commentary on the results of this survey by Fort Hays University Political Science Professor Chapman Rackaway concluded: “In short, Pompeo and Schodorf seem to be the two strongest candidates with Hartman struggling to keep up after a very strong opening to his campaign. Pompeo has established himself as the candidate of choice for conservatives, regardless of what issue the respondent self-identifies on. Schodorf’s lead among women and moderates has put her ahead, only slightly.”

The State of the State KS survey asked many background questions, and they may be read at State of the State KS.

Averaging the Kansas fourth district polls

Taking the last three available polls (the two described above and the KWCH/SurveyUSA poll) we find a very close race between two candidates for this nomination. Pompeo and Schodorf lead with 25 percent, with Hartman at 17 percent and Anderson at nine percent. 18 percent are undecided.

Kansas fourth Congressional district poll results averagedKansas fourth Congressional district poll results averaged


9 responses to “Final Kansas fourth Congressional district polls indicate close race”

  1. Val in Valhala

    With the number of Democrats and registered “Independents” who have re-registered as Republicans in time for the primary, Schodorf will get a big boost. Those I’ve spoken to, as well as those who stay registered Republican, but always vote Democrat in the general election, see this election as a way to voice their dislike of Conservative ideas. They also see it as their way to make sure that the only candidates in the general election will be Liberals.

    Schodorf gives them exactly what they want – more power to their favorite unions and government programs. But, they like Goyle just a little bit more, and will vote for him.

    They think it’s such fun when there are several Conservative candidates in the primary to kick to the curb. For them it’s such a great game making Conservative Republicans wonder why they can never get a Conservative nominee.

  2. Ann H.

    It’s so sad when Republicans do themselves in by having a crowded field in a primary, and it seems to happen all too frequently when there is an open seat. There’s always one “moderate” and the rest are conservatives. It plays right into Democrat hands.

  3. Wushock

    …Could it be? Voices of moderation might represent Wichita and NOT just über-conservative, nutty, opportunistic, morally bankrupt, hypocritical, wealthy slime balls?!

    *crosses fingers*

    Have a great week, folks.

  4. Ann H.

    Same to you. By the way, if you want to find nutty, opportunistic, morally bankrupt, hypocritical, wealthy slime balls, look no further than the Democrat party. It’s full of them. Try John Kerry, Charlie Rangel, and Barack Obama for starters.

  5. kimpot54

    Val–I’m not so sure Goyle would beat Schodorf in the general. He has at least one or two recent votes that will irritate the uber-liberals. You know, that group of morally bankrupt, nutty, opportunistic, hypocritical, wealthy slime balls, AND income redistribution fanatics?! You have a great week, too, WuShock. How sad that you chose that moniker to sully.

  6. […] for Liberty in Wichita has a great examination of the various polls swirling about the race the average of which has Pompeo and Schodorf tied (the manner in which he finds this lacks […]

  7. Paul

    It’s difficult to understand how Schodorf could garner anywhere near the votes for Pompeo until I’m reminded of who our president is.
    All to many people either don’t care or aren’t intelligent enough to find out about the people they vote for. Anyone who takes large money from Planed Parenthood, SEIU, Unions, ACORN etc isn’t what this country needs.
    We should always remember that we get the Government we deserve.

  8. sue c.

    It amazes me that people will split the conservative vote by casting a vote for the non-viable candidates like Jim Anderson, P. Rutschman, or Hartman. The small percentages they will garner individually could really benefit the conservative with a chance: Mike Pompeo.

    Voting for the last place candidates (in all polls) is a “throw away” vote that will only benefit Schodorf. The Conservatives claim that they LOVE their country, then allow for this vote split. It is hard for me to understand.

    Why not go for the “electable” conservative, instead of the RINO? Nothing against those other candidates, but it is obviously not going to happen for them this time.

    Backing a candidate with “no chance” is not very intelligent, IMHO.

  9. ReasonableVoice

    wichitaliberty would seem to hope for something
    that more likely is only represented by libertarian ideals,
    not republican or democrat.

    Either way, the now desperate need to nullify unconstitutional federal dictates needs the adoption of an expidited method written into the Kansas Constitution to exercise the 10th ammendment of the US Constitution in an effective manner.

    Any ideas on how to get the Kansas Legislature to understand that?

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