Why Bell, Calif. matters


The city manager of Bell, Calif., a town of some 38,000, earned $787,637 per year. He quit in the face of citizen uproar when this became public, but he’ll retire with a pension of about $600,000 annually.

Beka Romm, executive director for American Majority Kansas, explains why citizen activists need to keep focused on local governments.

Focus Local: 10 Reasons Why Bell, CA Matters

By Beka Romm

But when I start talking about the importance of focusing locally (holding your own city council, school district and county commission accountable for their actions), most people do zone off. I get it. It’s not sexy. On the federal level, even in state government, there is glitz, glamour, power, intrigue, sometimes even scandal. On the local level, not so much, right? Wrong. To prove my point, here are the top 10 reasons why Bell, CA matters:

Continue reading at Focus Local: 10 Reasons Why Bell, CA Matters.


2 responses to “Why Bell, Calif. matters”

  1. averageworker

    Our local county commissioners pull in over $80,000 a year, the last time I asked via FOIA. The Sedgwick county average annual salary is $46,000 Is it time we let the average catch up to ours too?

  2. Lauren

    Well done, Beka! Here’s to the continued growth and success of American Majority.

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