Tag: Climate change

  • Neodymium illustrates a consequence

    Our technology and economy is so complex and interdependent that it’s often impossible to predict the effect of one thing on another. Sometimes things done with the best of intentions — driving hybrid cars and building wind turbines, for example — have unintended consequences.

  • Going green can cost too much green

    “For two years, the city of Durango, Colo., bought electricity for all its government buildings from wind farms. The City Council ended that program this year, reverting to electricity derived from coal-burning plants and saving the cash-strapped city about $45,000.” It’s becoming evident that all across the world, people are beginning to realize that “green”…

  • Kansas HB 2014 vote analysis

    In the Kansas House of Representatives, two votes were taken this year on HB 2014. The major purpose of this bill is to allow the building of a coal-fired power plant in Kansas. The first vote, taken on February 27, 2009, was 79 Yes and 44 No. On April 3, 2009, the vote was 74…

  • Articles of Interest

    Kansas governors, renewable energy, napping, flying over New York, the Google, banks.

  • Does Jim Ward hate trees?

    The Legislative Forum focused on the budget shortfall and how to deal with it. I was shocked within the first five minutes when, after the panel was introduced, only specific members of the audience were given special recognition. Audience members who were employees of USD 259, the Wichita public school district, were granted time carved…

  • What President Obama really believes about coal

    I wonder what President Obama really believes about clean coal technology. Or about anything, for that matter.

  • Fraud, deceit, and misinformation regarding carbon dioxide

    EPA declares greenhouse gases a threat, (Renee Shoof, McClatchy Newspapers, 4/18/09). This pronouncement follows a U.S. Supreme Court conclusion that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a pollutant, with a directive to the EPA to study whether this gas posed a threat to our health and welfare, or whether the science was too uncertain to make a…

  • Share in the green-energy boom and quit fighting

    Share in the green-energy boom. That’s the title of Rhonda Holman’s editorial in Sunday’s Wichita Eagle. It’s backed up in today’s paper by Enough fighting over coal plants. This editorial is notable for a few points.

  • Articles of Interest

    Bailout costs rise, local election turnout, health care, light bulbs, newspapers, Kansas coal prospects.