Tag: Open records
Wichita needs transparency from its agencies
When the Wichita city council delegates spending to outside agencies such as Visit Wichita, it should insist on the same transparency requirements the city itself faces.
Wichita should post fulfilled records requests
When the City of Wichita fulfills records requests, it should make those records available to everyone.
Wichita legal notices an easy start on the path to transparency
Kansas law requires publication of certain notices in newspapers, but cities like Wichita could also make them available in other ways that are easier to use.
Business improvement district on tap in Wichita
The Douglas Design District seeks to transform from a voluntary business organization to a tax-funded branch of government.
In Wichita, respecting the people’s right to know
The City of Wichita says it values open and transparent government. But the city’s record in providing information and records to citizens is poor, and there hasn’t been much improvement.
Wichita legal notices an easy start on the path to transparency
Kansas law requires publication of certain notices in newspapers, but cities like Wichita could also make them available in other ways that are easier to use.
Business improvement district proposed in Wichita
The Douglas Design District proposes to transform from a voluntary business organization to a tax-funded branch of government (but doesn’t say so).
Lawrence has it. Wichita doesn’t.
Despite promises, Wichita fails to inform citizens on important activities of its government.
Kansas government data may not be available
There is a movement to increase the transparency of government in Kansas, but there’s much to be done, starting with attitudes.