I received this invitation to meet Wichita city council candidate Ken Thomas this Saturday. If other candidates for this office (or other offices) have events they’d like to publicize, please notify me. My contact page is here.
Ken Thomas for City Council
Vote to get Wichita Working Again
It takes all of us to make beneficial changes in our City. You can begin by joining us in a show of support for our candidate Ken Thomas for City Council.
We would like to invite you and your friends to come by to meet Ken Thomas for City Council.
Saturday, January 24, 11:00 am.
Broadview Hotel
400 W. Douglas, Wichita Kansas
(316) 409-5330
Ken believes that. . .
Our streets, roads and bridges need repair.
We are losing jobs to other cities due to failed economic incentives.
Increasing tax dollars are being spent on inefficient plans and duplicated efforts.
For a true “people’s court,” Municipal Court judges should be elected by and accountable to the people, not city officials.
Opposes the use of eminent domain to take our property and giving it to a private developer.