Wichita School Bond Not Alone in Kansas


Besides the proposed school bond issue in Wichita, several other communities are planning elections for their own bond issues.

In Girard, a proposed school bond issue of $24.4 million would have 47% paid for by the state of Kansas (Board sets scope of proposed bond issue).

In Baldwin City, a $22.9 million bond issue will have 27% paid for by the state (District aims to educate voters on bond issue). In this article, an official is quoted as saying:

“The other thing you have to remember is the state is going to give 27 percent of that money,” he said. “It’s still tax dollars, but it’s tax dollars that are going to Topeka no matter what and will come back to our district instead of others around the state. It is not an additional tax.”

This speaker, superintendent of schools Paul Dorathy, makes it sound as though the state money is sitting in Topeka, just waiting for school districts to claim it. Sarah Olson in Wichita has said the same. But that pot of money doesn’t exist. Future taxes will be collected — or future spending cut — to pay for these bond issues.

In Leavenworth, a $57.8 million school bond will have 32% paid for by the state of Kansas. School bond committee makes presentation.

In Manhattan, it appears that no money from the state will be helping with their proposed $97.5 million bond issue: “Does Manhattan-Ogden qualify for state aid on new building projects? Not at the present time. State aid eligibility is reviewed each year based on district wealth per pupil. ” (www.usd383bond.org)