Bias noticed at the Wichita Eagle, again


From Karl Peterjohn, Kansas Taxpayers Network

State Senator Peggy Palmer, R-Augusta has publicly announced that she has canceled her Wichita Eagle subscription in the wake of the controversy over the Wichita Eagle’s “news” coverage of today’s election.

I have just received a second legislative email from another legislator who has told me that this legislator’s Eagle subscription is now history too. I have asked this legislator by email whether or not they would like this to be added to the public record.

In addition, Democratic candidate for the Kansas House of Representatives in the 87th district in east Wichita Rajeev Goyle has posted on his web site that he is a former Wichita Eagle employee. This is surprising news that should have been included in the Wichita Eagle’s news coverage of the legislative race. It is an outrage that this Eagle connection was not mentioned. Goyle’s Eagle ties should have been mentioned in both the news as well as in the Eagle’s editorial endorsement of Mr. Goyle.

Internet reports today indicate that Goyle was campaigning outside a voting location and confronted by a prominent GOP attorney there. That type of electioneering would certainly violate a number of election laws but he is a liberal so this trangression will probably get memory hole treatment.

What other salient facts about the candidates have not been reported? Here is another fact.

I have yet to hear any of the Wichita news media report about Phill Klines numerous endorsements by law enforcement professionals and organizations when these endorsements occurred……months ago.

It was unintentionally hilarious to hear KNSS try to report that one of the 89 sheriffs who had endorsed Kline was withdrawing his endorsement without mentioning the other 88 last week. That 88 included a majority of the Democratic Sheriffs in Kansas too.

If that would have been Morrison receiving 89 endorsements from law enforcement, that would have been front page, above the fold news. I can see the headlines, “Morrison endorsed by GOP sheriff’s”.

How many sheriffs endorsed Morrison? Is it a number greater than zero? I will never know by reading the Eagle.

A couple of weeks ago there was a national report about declining newspaper circulation. All but a few of the major newspapers including my personal favorite, the Wall Street Journal and their outstanding editorial page, reported circulation declines. The Wichita Eagle was too small to be listed in this story but a KC friend reported that the sister KS newspaper in the McClatchy chain, the KC Star, lost 5% and 4% respectively on their Sunday and daily editions in this latest report. That’s similar to circulation declines at other left wing daily newspapers like the Washington Post and NY Times.


One response to “Bias noticed at the Wichita Eagle, again”

  1. AC

    The Eagle is totally bias towards a progressive/liberal agenda……

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