Joseph Ashby on local news media, anti-conservative bias


Wichita city hall logoLast week KAKE Television news anchor Jeff Herndon addressed the Wichita Pachyderm Club. Today, on the Joseph Ashby Show, the host commented on Herndon’s views on Wichita news media, and drew some conclusions about anti-conservative bias in Wichita news media.

[powerpress url=”″]Joseph Ashby Show, May 23, 2013 (excerpt).

The KAKE Television news story referred to is Wichita mayor comes under scrutiny for controversial vote.


2 responses to “Joseph Ashby on local news media, anti-conservative bias”

  1. BK

    John, you are partly correct on your comments of the media anti-conservative bias, but in addition to that there are financial and social implications that determines who the local media attacks or protects. The local publishers and tv media directors do socialize (golf, non-profit boards, country clubs, etc) with the people contributing to the local politicians, consequently, there is social pressure applied to the media about negative stories. The financial angle is simple: “if you write about me negatively, I will pull my advertising from the paper or station”. As Bill Warren, did to the Wichita Eagle when they wrote negatively about him, or when former Mayor Bob Knight, angry at the Eagle, decided to publish the public notices in the Derby newspaper costing the Wichita Eagle $250,000 a year.

  2. sue c.

    “Anti-conservative” bashing has become popular in pop culture. This allows news media and others to successfully marginalize conservative ideas. It is truly frightening to see the public manipulated this way by popular culture.

    It fits right in to Alinsky”s Rule for Radicals: rule #12 states “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it…isolate the target from sympathy…direct personalized criticism and ridicule work best.”

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