In this episode of WichitaLiberty.TV: Should Sedgwick County be in competition with the private sector? What are attitudes towards taxation and spending in Kansas? Finally, what is it like to request data from the City of Wichita? View below, or click here to view at YouTube. Episode 138, broadcast February 12, 2017.
- Kansans say no to more taxes. A statewide poll finds little support for raising taxes as a way to balance the Kansas budget.
- Analysis of proposed tax changes in Kansas. Proposed changes in the Kansas motor fuel tax and sales tax on groceries affects households in different ways.
- Wichita check register. A records request to the City of Wichita results in data as well as insight into the city’s attitude towards empowering citizens with data.
- Activate Wichita, an embarrassment. A communications initiative of the City of Wichita brings embarrassment to our city.