Author: Bob Weeks

  • Marcey Gregory Letter Fact Check

    A letter in the Wichita Eagle on October 26, 2008 contains a few inaccuracies — okay, lies — and I’m surprised it made it past the editors. The Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce has said several times that Karl Peterjohn, in his interview before them, was confused about the Greater Wichita Economic Development Coalition and…

  • Final Wichita School Bond Issue Cartoon

    Helen Cochran of Citizens for Better Education has released the final political cartoon whose topic is the Wichita school bond issue. Click here to go to CBE’s website and see this cartoon. The others are there, too, including the one that the Wichita Eagle would not accept as a paid political advertisement.

  • Credit Card Records Give Insight to Wichita School District Management and Priorities

    If you were leading a school district that’s always pleading for more money “for the kids,” would you spend $439.70 for meals at the Capital Grille, a swanky and expensive steakhouse? Would you stay at expensive hotels like the Raphael in Kansas City, described on its website as “Kansas City’s Original Boutique Hotel”? Would you…

  • Marcey Gregory Letter Fact Check

    A letter in support of Marcey Gregory for Sedgwick County Commissioner printed in the Wichita Eagle on October 26, 2008 requires a correction. A lie in this letter is this “… Gregory, as mayor of Goddard, has a record of keeping Goddard taxes low.” The actual record is that in her approximately 1.5 years as…

  • The Myth that Laissez Faire Is Responsible for Our Present Crisis

    Professor George Reisman contributes the excellent (and lengthy) article The Myth that Laissez Faire Is Responsible for Our Present Crisis. I’ve had the distinct honor of attending a number of Professor Reisman’s lectures at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and I’m slowly working my way through his monumental book Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics. Here’s…

  • Voter Integrity Project for Kansas

    The Kansas Meadowlark introduces Voter Integrity Project for Kansas. This is part of a project at Ballotpedia, which is a great place to learn about ballot issues across America.

  • Why the Kansas Senate Leadership is Still There

    When Kansans wonder why the leadership of the Kansas Senate is so often out of step with the rest of Kansas, look south of Wichita for the answer. As a Winfield Courier article reports, Winfield Democrat Greta Goodwin is often the vote that keeps the present moderate Republican senate leadership in office. For some reason,…

  • Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius: Different from You and I

    Do different laws exist for Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius and the rest of us? (At least the conservatives and libertarians among us?) The Kansas Meadowlark reports this: “Apparently Sebelius is exploiting a loop hole in Kansas law in using her PAC to attack conservatives. The Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission said a similar new ‘Leadership’ PAC…

  • What We’re Learning About Ourselves

    “Soon this depressing campaign will be over, and we can reflect on what we learned from our two-month introduction to Sarah Palin. Clearly, it is more than we would have ever wished to know about ourselves.” “First, there turns out to be no standard of objectivity in contemporary journalism. … Second, there does not seem…