Category: Regulation
A Regulation Trump Promises to Cancel
Donald Trump promises to eliminate — on day one — a regulation that his own presidential administration implemented.
Could drug price regulation produce good and not harm?
A sampling of criticism of drug price controls.
Net neutrality, regulation, and the internet
Dr. Theodore Bolema spoke at the Wichita Pachyderm Club on the topics of net neutrality and regulation of the internet.
Regulation in Wichita, a ‘labyrinth of city processes’
Wichita offers special regulatory treatment for special circumstances, widening the gulf between the haves and have-nots.
Federal rules serve as ‘worms’ buried in promises of ‘free money’
An often unappreciated mechanism throughout the Kansas budget severely limits the ability of legislators and governors to adapt to changing state priorities. A new paper from Kansas Policy Institute explains.
Westar: First, control blatant waste
As our electric utility asks for a rate increase, let’s first ask that it stop blatant waste.
Rebuilding liberty without permission
A forthcoming book by Charles Murray holds an intriguing idea as to how Americans can reassert liberty: Civil disobedience. Make the federal government an “insurable hazard.”
Study on state and local regulation released
This week Kansas Policy Institute released a study of regulation and its impact at the state and local level. This is different from most investigations of regulation, as most focus on federal regulations.
Food labeling act to be heard
A complicated regulatory landscape for genetically modified foods would shift power to large food producers at the expense of small companies and innovative startups. A bill by Rep. Mike Pompeo addressing this issue will receive a hearing this week.